Museum Store

Uncover the power of community support at the Ainsley House and Campbell Historical Museum. Every purchase at our museum store fuels preservation, sparks new exhibits, and empowers education. Our Museum Store has a unique offering of items to buy. The Museum Store is owned and operated by the Campbell Museum Foundation. Proceeds from the store sales go to support the Campbell Museums through funding preservation projects, exhibit support, and education scholarships for our onsite field trip programs.
Want to deepen your impact? Volunteer your time or talents. Become a museum volunteer today and make history come alive.
We're on the lookout for a volunteer gift shop manager to curate our inventory and craft captivating displays. Join us in shaping the future of heritage and learning.
The Museum Store is located inside the Carriage House (the Ainsley House visitor center) and is open to the public Fridays-Sundays, 11 am -3 pm, and during special events.
Museum Members and volunteers receive a 10% discount in the Museum Store.

Contact Us
We would love to hear from you about what you would like to see in our Museum Gift Shop. Please let us know what would make your shopping experience even better!